Getting cash from an ATM costs a little more this year in St. Louis, says, but bank fees are still cheaper here than in most other cities.
BankRate's survey found that out-of-network withdrawals in St. Louis cost an average of $4.39 this year, up from $4.25 last year. That covers two fees: one charged by the ATM owner and one by the customer's bank.
Nationally, the average withdrawal cost fell slightly, to $4.64 from $4.72. St. Louis, which had the nation's lowest fees two years ago , now is tied with Minneapolis for sixth-cheapest among 25 large metropolitan areas.
Chicago has the cheapest ATM withdrawals at $4.11, and Atlanta is most expensive at $5.60.
BankRate advises using in-network ATMs whenever possible, or getting cash back at the supermarket.
The average overdraft fee at a St. Louis area bank fell slightly, to $31.60 from $31.95. St. Louis was third-cheapest in the 25-city comparison of that fee.
See original article published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch , October 23, 2020